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Hoppany19 t1_iu62hks wrote

I hope you are right but doesn’t seem like it.


Hvarfa-Bragi t1_iu655wv wrote

... You've been living under a rock then.

Russia is retreating hard and running out of everything.

> Jesus Christ.

> I thought it was bad when they forgot to bring fuel for their tanks and just left a 20km line of equipment out in the middle of nowhere.

> I thought it was bad when the Moskva sunk because their radar was turned off.

> I thought it was bad when a thousand men died in a failed river crossing.

> I thought it was bad when Russian troops were unwrapping packages of TNT to find blocks of wood inside.

> I thought it was bad when Russian conscripts were being given bolt action Mosin rifles and rotted AK-47s.

> I thought it was bad when Russian troop leaders were telling their men to go gather tampons and pads to plug their own bullet wounds.

> You know what? I think I'm just going to wait for the end of this to really judge how bad Russia did, no matter what grade I give them in this moment it will be way too high by the time I hit submit on the post.