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frankyfrankfrank t1_iu66x3q wrote

I read this book 'Human kind: a hopeful history' and in it the author concludes that societies themselves are actually very very difficult to disrupt. The Blitz and Berlin during WWII, The siege of Sarajevo. It was expected that bombs would cause cities to fall into chaos and stop functioning. Turns out that's almost never worked. Of course you can firebomb cities to the ground (Dresden, Hiroshima) but even then, the cities return to normal functioning places rather quickly.

History has show that people will endure a lot before they choose to abandon social order.


cjb3535123 t1_iu6jstk wrote

Yeah when the soviets were almost at Berlin, women in the city would be waiting outside in a lineup waiting for their food rations. Soviet artillery would be causing explosions all around them, but none of them would run for cover as they would then lose their place in the ration lineup.

Mind you, im not saying that the Soviet invasion into Germany didnt cause panic because it really did. But by this point people on the homefront were absolutely starving in Germany.

Note: im generalizing here a bit. Rereading what I said, I definitely was a bit too declarative with the “nobody”’s


EyeGod t1_iu8kfzm wrote

Yeah, the hierarchy of needs very quickly prioritizes what you’ll fight, flee or freeze for.


UnluckyPumpkin4869 t1_iu944mr wrote

It’s really sad that so many German women were raped by the approaching Soviet soldiers. These women went from waiting in line for bread, to being raped by the communists.


fearzx t1_iu8orwo wrote

Soviet invasion? Are you kidding? Fucking nazis killed so many people in ussr and you calling comeback invasion?


cjb3535123 t1_iu8qolk wrote

Yeah dude. Its not supposed to be a loaded term. Im well aware of what lead to soviets countering and counter-invading Germany in 1944/45


eroticfalafel t1_iu8rf7i wrote

It describes what Russia was doing at the time in Germany. What are you meant to call it? Russia crossed the German border and pushed to Berlin. That's an invasion, and in this case well justified.


Wowimatard t1_iu8tmja wrote

>That's an invasion, and in this case well justified.

I have to agree.

Whilst I dont condone the mass murder and mass rape. The Germans did come into Russia to exterminate a (in their eyes), subhuman species. That is of course, after the subhuman species have toiled the land well enough for the Germans to be able to function without them.

Horrible all around. But I understand. I have never had a family member exterminated before. I cant Imagine the rage I would feel.


UnluckyPumpkin4869 t1_iu94a5n wrote

Thousands of German women and children were raped during this “well justified” invasion.


sh4itan t1_iu9d9g1 wrote

There's a difference in the term invasion and generally being an asshole of a human that uses women as toys in such an invasion. The invasion itself was well justified, but the war crimes (on all sides) weren't.


unzinc t1_iu73v6j wrote

Just finished that book. Very good read


Traevia t1_iu7ybwy wrote

>Of course you can firebomb cities to the ground (Dresden, Hiroshima) but even then, the cities return to normal functioning places rather quickly.

This is partially because Dresden wasn't hit as bad a people thought. Goebbels wanted to use the city as propaganda to the neutral countries and to vilify the bombing of German cities. In reality, AT MOST 25k people died with the city largely going back to normal within months. For context, 45k are reported dead from the Blitz in London alone.


SydneyRFC t1_iu8k7t7 wrote

But it's relative. The blitz was an ongoing campaign which Google (the most reliable of all sources) says lasted 8 months on a population of several million.

The Dresdon bombing was, using your 25k figure, 4% of the 600,000 population in 3 days, destroying 50% of the residential areas. To return to a functioning level of society after that is impressive.


Charli-XCX t1_iu8b9m9 wrote

I read that in Hermione's voice and it worked perfectly. Probably because Hermione, whenever she talks about books, always seems to mention a book that has a colon and extra words like that.


CoraxTechnica t1_iu8qewe wrote

This is precisely why bombing for democracy has never actually worked and it never will.


AkhilArtha t1_iu8fjzq wrote

Did you mean Tokyo? Hiroshima was not firebombed if I recall.