Submitted by JoeProHero7 t3_yixrfs in gifs
aBitofRnRplease t1_iul62zz wrote
Pretty sure the inventor of the Segway died by going off a cliff while on a Segway. Just a thought!
Edit: cheers for the correction. In other news I'm pretty sure of, eating carrots helps you see in the dark!
bakachog t1_iul77oe wrote
Nah. It was the guy that bought the company.
GrandNibbles t1_iulafoq wrote
that is the nerdiest fucking thing I've ever seen. what a legend
-SunGod- t1_iulbekn wrote
Yeah, looks like Pebble Beach along 17 Mile Road.
J_Megadeth_J t1_iulcvqv wrote
doctorclark t1_iulfy2w wrote
Carry on, then!
[deleted] t1_iuljbaf wrote
LeaCTrockboys t1_iulk7kq wrote
> inventor of the Segway
"Dean Lawrence Kamen is an American engineer, inventor, and businessman. He is known for his invention of the Segway and iBOT"
Took less than a second to google this. This is how misinformation works.
Ozymandias01 t1_iulks4a wrote
Nah I’m gonna go with ucsb isla vista
Edit: nah I’m wrong. It’s Santa Cruz someone has pic below
Maladroit01 t1_iulo974 wrote
It's the Seymour Center in Santa Cruz.
SavageSkillet t1_iulqgks wrote
Jerry was a quidditch seeker. Flew so God damn fast. Never did catch no golden snitch, but he never fell on his ass.
Jerry was a quidditch seeker, he'd say "Hogwarts Number One." With a petronus sticker on his firebolt, he'd toss a bludger just for fun.
Ahhhh. Ahhhh.
tmoua805 t1_iulsryr wrote
Yup, im from there and thats what im thinking. Looks like the trail that leads to the Goleta Beach
Read_ity t1_iulss6j wrote
Nah it’s west cliff in Santa Cruz and we hate people who ride this shit on the walking path
Mjbishop327 t1_iulua37 wrote
I immediately thought it was Santa Cruz
arrow2theknee82 t1_iulwf6m wrote
This would be so much better with the derpy Harry Potter music in the background...
ffelix916 t1_iulwfot wrote
Agreed. I woulda checked the dude.
Yes, it's funny. No, you don't do that shit on a clifftop walking path.
Dogoodology t1_iulxzzh wrote
My first reaction was this has to be a student from DLI in Monterey. 🤣
Pls_Drink_Water t1_iulyhkw wrote
But he was pretty sure tho!
pikab7uu t1_ium4n0y wrote
not true. also not even a segway
LazinCajun t1_ium7vtr wrote
This looks like a recipe to castrate yourself
gravy_boot t1_ium8btr wrote
I’m sure the Onewheel people will foot the funeral expenses for this employee’s family.
doktor_wankenstein t1_iumb3oq wrote
How do you stop those things anyway?
milzz t1_iumc8gr wrote
I was gonna say Lima, Peru.
_illionaire t1_iumdg41 wrote
Confirming this. Here's a picture I took there where that piece of wood sticking out of the ground near the end of the gif is visible.
Go banana slugs.
yertle38 t1_iumfxvx wrote
Definitely. The trail to campus point
Edit: dang I’m wrong! No islands in the background and the buildings are wrong.
Error_83 t1_iumiw1r wrote
Same, West cliffs
RawToast1989 t1_iumjnh3 wrote
If you just made that up, it flows pretty well!
ToBadImNotClever t1_iumjsea wrote
This fucking killed me lol
Fire2box t1_iumki3r wrote
You lean weight on the backfoot the motor either shuts off or actively helps slow down.
I wanted one, then the company thought it was a good practice for bricking the unit if you unplugged the battery like say if you were flying with it.
there's also a issue with them just taking off on their own.
RyanfaeScotland t1_iumku4h wrote
>Took less than a second to google this. This is how misinformation works.
By believing information you researched for less than a second? Fair play.
[deleted] t1_iumluvo wrote
deckard1980 t1_iumlvj2 wrote
He's on a GT so much less chance of nosediving but still a possible castration!
SavageSkillet t1_iummjx8 wrote
I did make it up, thanks. It's meant to be to the tune of Jerry Was a Racecar Driver
RawToast1989 t1_iumnf04 wrote
Yeah, I got the reference! Turned out good man
chet- t1_iumo3qo wrote
I’m positive that’s a MAGwheel. Some people call them trotters.
deckard1980 t1_iumovp9 wrote
Magwheel is the non-patent Chinese equivalent. This is definitely a Onewheel. I have the same one
Thatoneguyonreddit28 t1_iumozrb wrote
Santa Cruz for sure
tbirdpug t1_iumqkr4 wrote
Damn that was my guess too. Though those houses in the distance looked misplaced for where I thought this was (on the other side of the lagoon).
WiseTree710 t1_iumw1ti wrote
That's got to be the best wizard I've ever seen
JoeProHero7 OP t1_iumx1nl wrote
Sorry bud this isn’t that. It’s a Onewheel
Bollocks2014 t1_iun54j7 wrote
“Expensive Petroleum!”
HanzoXHanzo t1_iundl0w wrote
Oh. What makes the GT one nosedive less? (I broke my arm going too fast uphill on an XR)
deckard1980 t1_iune02r wrote
More torque. I took a few heavy falls on my Xr as im quite big. Gives you more chance of pulling out of a nosedive.
aBitofRnRplease t1_iunit0b wrote
Yes, but what is life without a little google-less whimsy!
KmartQuality t1_iunkcyc wrote
Do you put them all together and drive like a car?
JoeProHero7 OP t1_iunl0nh wrote
Sorry you had to find out this way
puuro00 t1_iunob0t wrote
It's a shock to be sure. What's next? Train station?
RagingKohner t1_iuob82e wrote
Is that the Nimbus 4000?
Read_ity t1_iuov1ok wrote
The bozos downvoting you have never walked on west cliff
Enorats t1_iuov43w wrote
Those things are so incredibly dangerous. The slightest thing goes wrong (heck, even if it just loses power for any reason) and you're slamming shoulder first into the ground at relatively high speeds.
Their design leads to inherently more dangerous falls than something like roller blades or a skateboard. You don't continue in a mostly forward direction and roll, instead you tilt forward and then just splat into the ground.
LeaCTrockboys t1_iuoxvg1 wrote
Right. I didn't believe it and that's why I googled it.
idahomaddie t1_iup051i wrote
Battery is too big to fly with anyway.
Ghosting issue was solved with recall and was only present when user hopped off board. Using simple stop or heel lift doesn’t ghost, even with bad sensor.
splastershoes t1_iupgn0u wrote
Yeah, first thought for me was Asilomar Beach near Monterey. I was wrong, but it’s still funny seeing how many others thought the same. Linguists unite!
ffelix916 t1_iv25cpt wrote
Probably the kind of people that don't walk on nature paths as a rule.
fergdog13 t1_iul4dfz wrote
If only Hagrid could see us now…