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stickyrain t1_iv02d5g wrote

If you’re wondering “why the doodles?” at the start they’re used in place of a grid.


PunkNDisorderlyGamer t1_iv0zyff wrote

Oh I thought the boss just let his kids scribble on the walls on “bring your kids to work” day.


BigEggPerson t1_iv1mp5m wrote

That's nice and all, but what are advantages of this method compared to a square grid? I kinda don't get it 😅


nilsrva OP t1_iv1ugbh wrote

On a larger scale its easy to get lost in squares


sam0wise t1_iv1ryuq wrote

I think it’s quicker to work with. A square grid takes more time to create evenly and then you have to count the segments when you could just see that you draw the eye by this blob.


Zerowantuthri t1_iv6m4mh wrote

I came here to ask about this and there it is already. Sometimes Reddit delivers. Thanks!