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Arstanishe t1_iyqx9eb wrote

You can imagine this in almost every corner of post soviet Union, from baltuc states to vladivostok and south of Kazakhstan


knasitaket t1_iysjpie wrote

This looks 100% like Sweden


You_Stole_My_Hot_Dog t1_iyu0obj wrote

Canada too! This is my entire neighborhood lol.


attaboy000 t1_iyu2ni1 wrote

Where in Canada?? This reminds me more of eastern Europe. I've never seen apartment buildings like this in Canada


You_Stole_My_Hot_Dog t1_iyypu3o wrote

Winnipeg, Manitoba. Newer areas have more modern looking buildings of course, but older areas (built maybe 40+ years ago?) look exactly like this. This was literally the view from my last apartment.


Cross_22 t1_iysul3l wrote

East German Plattenbau -style comes to mind.
Remove the dividing lines and you get a West German 1970s style.