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Random_Sime t1_iyuowbv wrote

20 years ago I bought a painting from a street market that featured a cat dreaming about being a dragon. Is this some kind of subconsciously shared knowledge?!


Foublanc t1_iyuzbun wrote

Do you still have it ? Can we see it ?


Random_Sime t1_iyy2880 wrote

Yes and yes. It's just an A6 print, but I'll take a photo when I get home tonight and tag you in the response :)


PatientSolution t1_iyxbx3z wrote

Ooooo reply to me if you post it!


Random_Sime t1_iyz8pxs wrote

Here we are! And for /u/Foublanc too. I added a description based on what I remember from the conversation I had with the artist in 2004.

Cat dreaming of dragons

>The artist (hard to make out, but i think it's Nik Maxwell) told me he painted this when he was in a difficult relationship. He's on the right, a skeleton on the sidelines with half his face missing. His girlfriend dominates the frame and has her own demon sucking the life out of her (obsession with her appearance). His cat is sleeping on the bed, dreaming of being the dragons above and below.


Ok_Post_5264 OP t1_iz7l0km wrote

That is extremely impressive. It’s really interesting how he moved everything with (seemingly) the most emotional value to the side and left the cat dreaming as the focal point. Thanks for sharing!


Temnai t1_iyvbnlc wrote

I see a lot of fantasy works describe dragons as being closer to cats in terms of bone structure/movement/attitude than anything else.


samurai33 t1_iyvd07c wrote

I think how to train you dragon modeled some of the traits from cats too


The_Ad_Hater_exe t1_iywzifl wrote

That's exactly what they did. In the Book of Dragons short film Fishlegs says "When tamed, Night Furies are more just a big kitty cat than a ferocious dragon" or something along those lines