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Svenskensmat t1_j01pdh4 wrote

> It is so horrific there is own subreddits to calling them out.

Calling them out for being hot?

Is there something wrong with you mate?


Apocrisiary t1_j01ssee wrote

I thought you ment r/niceguys, r/creepypm or something like that.

Aren't you a nice fellow, fucking whiteknight.


Guess I am not clear.

Comment on a hot girl in r/gifs you get lynched, women thirsting over a dude on r/gifs. Upvotes.

Litarellay just some days ago, a post where someone said "beautiful eyes and smile" to a girl. That's it. 138 downvotes.

Other subs, what has that anything to do with it? There are literall porn subs..
