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SandiegoJack t1_j3bhtz8 wrote

This video made me uncomfortable. Heights and I are no bueno.


EdEnsHAzArD t1_j3bn5t7 wrote

I'm not scared of heights, I'm just scared of falling


Secret_Autodidact t1_j3bsjc2 wrote

I'm not scared of falling, I'm just scared of the sudden deceleration at the end.


jsha11 t1_j3buhu3 wrote

So gravity isn’t the force to be feared, but electromagnetism is


Secret_Autodidact t1_j3c5idp wrote

Gravity gets a bad rap, it's making you accelerate just the same on the ground as it is when you're falling through the air. It's the damn ground that's the problem, without it we'd be weightless!


Rossrox t1_j3box9p wrote

Same! I describe it as a fear of unsafe heights - if there’s something that I could do either accidentally or on purpose that could put me in serious danger, I don’t like it.


schruted_it_ t1_j3buwcw wrote

I’ve done this and skydiving once! The funny most disquieting thing in skydiving was having your legs just dangling! It doesn’t feel right!