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Fluffy-Doubt-3547 t1_j3ll09l wrote

This reminds me of the bowling alley short clips... like the one where the pen cuts another pen in half and calls it a split.


milny_gunn OP t1_j3lnzsj wrote

I haven't seen it. I made a few different gifs and stickers showing classic acts of things that miss. From sticker to gif is a hundred or so similar drawings. Thank God for ibispaintx and their seemingly unlimited number of layers. I wouldn't have been able to do it with sketchbook


DeaconSage t1_j3lpkop wrote

My ex-wife still misses me… But her aim is getting better!


milny_gunn OP t1_j3mo2n4 wrote

Hahaha! .. so she misses you like a cross-eyed sniper huh? When people ask me if I miss them in an attempt manipulate sentiment out of me, my replie's usually, isn't it obvious? you're still breathing aren't you? ...


cheezeebred t1_j3nuyk3 wrote

In case you didn't know, you're responding to a corny joke from Gravity Falls, lol


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j3o34qg wrote

It's not even from there. I made this joke when I was like 10.

"I miss you a lot. But I also hit you a lot, so it evens out."

Something like that. I wouldn't be surprised if I made that joke after hearing the joke elsewhere beforehand.


milny_gunn OP t1_j3ojtc2 wrote

I I have been saying something similar for years now. But it's hard to get the right words, to paint the right picture without a bunch of explaining LOL


BloodedManiac t1_j3nhn1b wrote

I really like it, feels nostalgic. Reminds me of the old gifs and animated emojis you could send through MSN back in the days.


[deleted] t1_j3mhsmg wrote



milny_gunn OP t1_j3mra2h wrote

That was a cool story. I heard the audiobook on the the whole Voyage of the Archer fish. it was interesting. the reason they fired so many Torpedoes is because they had so many Duds. Also they had so many that would immediately start going in circles and go back and actually hit the submarine that fired it. We lost a few submarines that way. I'm thinking it was Espionage but who knows.

But yeah, the skipper of that submarine was responsible for changing our tactics in submarine warfare because he was so successful


clint_sanders t1_j3nteln wrote

I do!


milny_gunn OP t1_j3o3h1a wrote

Sometimes I get lucky when I'm using pencil and paper but and I can see the right lines, but drawing on my phone is a bit squirrely. But today I just discovered that the ibis app has people templates in different poses. So maybe I'll do a miss you like a cross-eyed sniper GIF next time.

Btw can you prove it? LOL. Got any tips?


clint_sanders t1_j3o993c wrote

I think you meant to respond to someone else, because I can't prove I wanted a submarine story. LOL.


milny_gunn OP t1_j3ofbgt wrote

😅🤣🫏 lol.. my bad. You're the right person. I just misunderstood your comment. When you said I do, I thought you were talking about you knew how to draw people. LOL. Sorry about that. I swear navigating the site sometimes is like trying to navigate through rush hour traffic while looking through a straw..


milny_gunn OP t1_j3mod9a wrote

Cool. I'll check it out. Thanks. I wanted to do a sniper scene but it got too detailed. Plus I don't draw people very well


Adan714 t1_j3ncx78 wrote

You mean arcade games like Sea Raider (Midway, 1969) or Sea Devil (Midway, 1970), right?

The USSR had its own (illegal, of course) copy of this arcade machine.

Sorry for this obvious fact, it seems to me that not everyone in the comments understood this reference.


milny_gunn OP t1_j3o3zsn wrote

Was that the one where you actually had a periscope that you look through and it was always all sweaty and smelled like cigarette smoke LOL yeah, Those Old Time arcade games were cool.


Supermichael777 t1_j3nwne2 wrote

That's definitely a war crime by the way, the superstructure pattern and lack of guns means that's a cruise ship converted to a floating hospital.


milny_gunn OP t1_j3o64qk wrote

Who said anything about a war? I tried drawing a battleship at first but it took up too much screen. I didn't have much room to work with. Not to mention, the one that Torpedoes were meant for would never be on a Navy ship out to sea. I'd have to catch her during Fleet week LOL


Mr_Zaroc t1_j3msxo9 wrote

Shooting torpedos at civilian ships is rarely a good idea


milny_gunn OP t1_j3mukf0 wrote

Believe me, I tried to draw Navy ships but it didn't work out. Not to mention, the one the Deep six was intended for wouldn't be on a Navy ship out to sea. Fleet Week might be a different story LOL

But reminds me of a back toward I recently learned about the term, son of a gun. That comes from when the British Navy would be at Port and all the prostitutes were real busy with all the sailors but they had no place to conduct their business, so they'd do it between the cannons. Any child created under such circumstances would be considered to be a son of a gun because they wouldn't know who the father was. So when somebody calls you a son of a gun, they're basically saying your mother is a whore but they probably don't know that they probably think they're being civil. All Things Considered , I'd rather be called an asshole.


caffeinex2 t1_j3nb81r wrote

The most threateningly wholesome thing I've seen today.


Level-Ad7017 t1_j3o5xub wrote

Don't waste your time on me you're already a voice inside my head!


Nintura t1_j3pefll wrote

This reminds me of an old game boy game where you play a submarine like this, and you could also play battleship at the same time


VulturousYeti t1_j3na5ck wrote

I’m hearing Jasper from Simpsons shout “You sunk my battleship!”


BonerHonkfart t1_j3nuji0 wrote

When I was a kid, my dad programmed a home version of Battleship for us in BASIC. Because i was a dumb kid who didn't realize how much work it was, I asked him to put in animations for when the shot missed or hit. This is exactly what I had in my mind when I was 8 years old.

I guess what I'm saying is... will you be my second dad?


milny_gunn OP t1_j3o5nhd wrote

I had that electronic Battleship game when I was a kid. When I realized everything had to be program each ship, I wouldn't program every peg that way nobody can sink my whole battleship.


7imeout_ t1_j3o5xvo wrote

Thanks for this … SO is the hospital right now and this is just about the right thing I want to send to them!


milny_gunn OP t1_j3oiq3u wrote

I'm getting the feeling you don't want to miss them though LOL


7imeout_ t1_j3olwn8 wrote

Haha yeah I’d rather not have to miss them 😅


crowe77 t1_j3o7afg wrote

“With every bullet so far”


SaintCholo t1_j3o96wv wrote

Very good, but more emphasis on the torpedos, they shud pop (no pun intended)


milny_gunn OP t1_j3oi7gf wrote

You have to think about scale. Cuz I did have bigger more detailed Torpedoes but they can't be the same size as the boat. I should edit in all the previous versions I think there's three before this one and there's a whole different one totally different ship that I drew on a completely different app. I did it on SketchBook.


SaintCholo t1_j3oii9v wrote

The fact that you did it is bad ass… the torpedos are not vivid enough more umph, still great but for publication make them easier to see…somehow


milny_gunn OP t1_j3ol6fo wrote

Yeah the perspective doesn't give me much to work with. The first one I drew was not through a periscope it was more of a bird's eye view and you can see the torpedo path much better but it was a crappy drawing and real jumpy. I'll try to edit it and if I can find it again.


Tent_in_quarantine_0 t1_j3pt7ch wrote

Simple clear animation, cute joke, vague suggestion of malicious intent through love, it's very good. But the evocative sky is actually kind of touching, and makes this something special. Great jorb! One small suggestion, I think a hand drawn couple frames of animation of "I Miss You" would really tie it together.


Victor3-22 t1_j3rretj wrote

Yep. Gotta steal that one and send it to my retired nuke skipper father.


Material-Sun-5784 t1_j6mdxng wrote

But my aim is getting better… my aim is getting better! You see that’s funny because…


FinnishArmy t1_j3n5kfl wrote

Is this some inside thing? This makes zero sense.


milny_gunn OP t1_j3nenk9 wrote

🤔 is FinnishNavy around? Maybe they can explain it☺️ I really don't know where to begin, but since you put effort into an inquiry, I'll do my best to oblige you.. you might have to help me out a little bit and Google certain things that I might say that you might not understand.

The GIF is based on what's called a play on words. There are many ways to miss people. Most people think when you miss them it means you miss their presence. But it's possible that you really missed them with a couple torpedoes in an attempt to end their presence altogether. Because maybe they broke your heart or something. Or maybe they just annoy you. I can only speculate from this point. it's up to you to run your own scenario from here.

I hope my reply is helpful. I apologize for any confusion. I'm going to run this reply through my translator app hopefully it makes sense when translated into what will assume to be your language. But no guarantees.

Edit: 🤔 Onko Suomen laivasto paikalla? Ehkä he osaavat selittää sen☺️ En todellakaan tiedä mistä aloittaa, mutta koska olet vaivannut kyselyä, teen parhaani velvoittaakseni sinut.. saatat joutua auttamaan minua hieman ja googlettamaan tiettyjä asioita jotta voisin sanoa, että et ehkä ymmärrä.

GIF perustuu niin sanottuun sanaleikkiin. On monia tapoja kaipaa ihmisiä. Useimmat ihmiset ajattelevat, että kun kaipaat heitä, se tarkoittaa, että kaipaat heidän läsnäoloaan. Mutta on mahdollista, että missasit heidät parilla torpedolla yrittäessäsi lopettaa heidän läsnäolonsa kokonaan. Koska ehkä he särkivät sydämesi tai jotain. Tai ehkä he vain ärsyttävät sinua. Tästä eteenpäin voin vain spekuloida. sinun on suoritettava oma skenaariosi täältä.

Toivottavasti vastauksestani on apua. Pyydän anteeksi mahdollisia sekaannuksia. Aion suorittaa tämän vastauksen kääntäjäsovellukseni kautta, toivottavasti se on järkevää, kun se käännetään kielellesi. Mutta ei takuita.