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ThisManzBazza t1_ja6uhzh wrote

I bought seinheisser 458bt headphones yesterday. They’re pretty good, slightly uncomfortable, but I can deal with it. The main problem I have is whenever I open a camera or send a message, mainly in Snapchat, the music just cuts out and the headphones go into this dumb transparency mode, that I can only disable by going into Spotify, pausing, and replaying the music. Every time I send a message or open a camera this happens. I have sidetone disabled in the app, and I’ve looked everywhere and there’s no settings to disable it. I just wanna listen to music, I don’t want a dumb transparency mode. Thanks for any help.


ThisManzBazza t1_ja6yp3k wrote

Nvm figured it out. Just disable background app refresh in the apple settings for Snapchat