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Exact3 t1_j9o27kg wrote

Never tried a Stax, what do they do to mimic speaker presentation than regular headphones don't?


audiochef68 t1_j9o2jtb wrote

It's like being in space and you are surrounded by music,so much detail, it can scare the hell out of me at night time, you sometimes think someone or something is right next to you.


Exact3 t1_j9o2zlr wrote

..Yeah but the HD800 does this too. And it's nowhere near speakers when it comes to staging, separation, maybe a bit more detailed but not by much. And the bass, which is the biggest problem with headphones in comparison to speakers.


audiochef68 t1_j9o3oup wrote

Don.t know why people think electrostatic earspeakers have no bass so untrue, it;s also tighter and faster bass, to get speakers to preform like the stax you would need to spend $20.000 on speakers and that much again on room treatments.


Exact3 t1_j9o42zu wrote

Where are you pulling these arbituary numbers from? What I meant with the bass-comment is that headphones simply cannot do bass the same way a speaker can, a whole-body experience.

My speaker-setup has cost me about 2000€ so far, room treatment about 300€ (still more to come of course, gonna shoot up to about a grand in total) and the bass is fast, physical and doesn't ring in the room until the 40-30hz rangle. A couple bass traps achieved this, no need to spend 20k on them as your comment suggests lol. The whole presentation, with Dirac, is simply amazing, sold my HD800 since I simply don't even use them anymore due to this system, grand total of less than 3000.


VisceralVoyage420 t1_j9p6xdm wrote

SubPac S2 can do bass better than any subwoofer. You'll feel every low note in your body and it's seamless with the headphones. I'll take the S2 bass over a subwoofer any day. No bass traps required and you can have a full body experience even at night without bothering anyone. And best of all, no hearing damage.


audiochef68 t1_j9o5y28 wrote

There is much more to room acoustics than a couple of bass traps go get some pricing on wall and ceiling soundproofing, gee turn in a speaker a few degrees and it all can turn to shit, aleast headphones don't have that problem, i can also listen as loud as i like and any time i like without the neighbours wanting to kill me...


Exact3 t1_j9o75i7 wrote

Well obviously, I do have panels on the side and backwalls and also a few in the ceiling. But I was talking about the bass that you mentioned needed 20k speakers and 20k treatment to sound fast like in headphones, which simply isn't true. Good placement (I used the masters-setup) coupled with capable, half-decent speakers and bass traps will get you there.


>gee turn in a speaker a few degrees and it all can turn to shit, aleast
headphones don't have that problem, i can also listen as loud as i like
and any time i like without the neighbours wanting to kill me...

Completely beside the point, but you do you. Have fun with the Stax, I'll enjoy my speakers :)
