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pkelly500 t1_j98vtmt wrote

If you're a newb, why are you buying four headphones at once? You'll never know what kind of sound signature you prefer when you're bouncing four headphones with different sonic qualities on and off your head.

Start with one. See if it fits what you seek. If not, sell or return it and move to another. Once you've found your preferred signature, then it's time to branch out with a second or third pair with different sonic qualities that may suit different types of music better.

Start in the shallow end, dude. You'll be frustrated -- and maybe broke -- by starting off the high dive.

And yeah, this may sound dickish, but ... you can do better for the money than those four cans you selected. Considerably better.

Let us know what kind of music you like. Let us know what kind of sound you prefer? Lots of bass? Midrange? Airy treble? Want a ton of detail or a relaxed sound? Then we can give you recommendations.


flores_amarillas OP t1_j9agq8d wrote

i did not bought four headphones at once, the first one was like two years ago and the last one like a week ago


pkelly500 t1_j9au01d wrote

Ah, my apologies. I thought you dove in by buying all four at once.