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BEASTERBUNNY0 t1_ja3cl7o wrote

You kept listening to louder and louder music and never stopped. Now you gotta live with those choices. Pretty damn simple. It’s not your equipment, it’s not purely on your lack of headphone knowledge, it’s all on your self control to turn down the volume. Change headphones all you want, but tinnitus doesn’t go away and it’s completely in your control to mitigate further damage to your ears.


5YNTH3T1K OP t1_ja4sin3 wrote

Yep and that mid range bump had nothing to do with it. Right ? The way the bass end rolls off etc.

We all know that there are horse for courses. I was stupidly sucked into thinking that "this was the way" when really it was not the way at all. Do you use a scalpel for cutting a tree down? A chainsaw to shave with ? If I gave you a tea spoon and asked you to dig a well would you blame the tool? I bet you would.

The HD's are probably getting EQ'd by DJ's and their power rating is such that they can punch through the PA bleed... but everyday driving... yeah na.

If I had know what I was getting myself into... I would have def gone for a Music Lovers headphone not this dry and flat as all fuck "monitor" shite.

You may not like my opinion, I have a few, but damn the HD's are dry, midrangy, gnarly, lifeless phones. Oh god you mean I need a 20 watt headphone amp to make them shine ? Really ?

When I play a bass pad I know it's low. The HD's can kind of get the upper ranges of the sound but the guts... nope.

I Just tested the B&W against the HD and there is no contest at all. The HD's just roll off and wow is it GONE. the B&W's faithfully relay the low lows very well.

there is NO way that the HD's are "flat" down there... they are just not there !

Like I said: they sound like the 1970's "no challange to a 3 watt radio..." frequency bounding. I mean shit if I mixed my tracks like the HD's sound... you may as well through out your bass and sub bass 'cos you won't need them!

Back when BASS was a dirty word... oh no ! not BASS !!!! How lower class...

This is ridiculous. The HD's have no ass. They flat ass.