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ReD___HuNTeR OP t1_j9pdvnu wrote

So a lot of things to say but I will keep it short. First of all thanks guys for helping me out. The Samson's were recommended by a lot of people in here in budget. I set a very stern budget of $40 or 3500 rupee approx. to choose a headset.

I haven't used a headset in the last 6 years and have been using budget IEMs mostly except the Sennheiser IE 600 (but again it was a second hand from a friend of mine so got it at a lower price than the originals.)

When everyone said that open back didn't had noise isolation and have wide sound stage I actually underestimated the two points and didn't take it seriously :(

If I knew that I would have not buy this headset at all. But still I thought of giving it some time and experience with a wide variety of music albums, video, movies and games. And I think I kinda like it :) Sound stage and input is extremely wide . For the first time I got a sense of depth and height in sound in games. I will take two examples to explain it :- Forza 5 and Horizon Zero Dawn....

In Horizon Zero Dawn you can hear sound of wind, birds chirping, flowing water, peoples conversations depending upon were you are on the map.... With a standard IEM I could hear this but never actually differentiate the depth of the sound. Like how far or close it is. For the first time I did with the Samson and it was a whole new experience !!!

In Forza While I am driving a car in a airport in the jungle area and use the horn I can clearly listen the echo the sound makes. I realized I could hear those In the traditional IEMs as well but the sense of depth was completely missing or I should say it felt like just another sound among the lot but the Samson gave it a whole new dimension ,depth and fealt natural

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I am still testing and Giving it some time for burnout and see if this sound signature is for me or not.

Initially I thought that the sound was very low but the thing is objects in the front sound loud and the surrounding depending upon how far or near I am to the source.

One person told me that using a open back is like setting up speakers around your head and he wasn't wrong :)