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petethebeat14 OP t1_j8v0vt7 wrote

I didn’t audition, no. Could you explain burn in? I played them a bunch tonight so hopefully that helps.

Interesting about amps. Do I really have to shell out thousands on an amp for these to sound better? I knew they’d be an investment but having to do all these additional upgrades seem to defeat the purpose of spending all the money on these!


Zero_Aspect t1_j8vowu5 wrote

People are saying burn in doesn't exist, but in my experience it definitely does, whether it be the drivers themselves or my brain from getting used to the sound for a while. Give it some proper listening time and then re-evaluate.

As for amps, I don't subscribe to buying amps for the sound (as you can see, I'm happy with just a Schiit Magni). I think you're probably fine with the amp you have as long as you're able to listen to it distortion-free at the volume that you like. Is there a reason you went for the Diana without auditioning them first? I, personally, can't trust any Abyss products when they're peddling $2k cables and $2k aluminum racks.


Bad_at_names_701 t1_j8vtroc wrote

You could get a Topping A50S for them, if you have a 4,4mm cable (although a 6,3mm cable should be fine as well). What are you using to power them right now? Abyss make particularly inefficient headphones, so you‘ll want some strong amplification to get the most out of them
