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vavent_ OP t1_j9j2765 wrote

I have so many praises about these IEMs that I don't even know how to start and write a completely logical impression, but I will try, also I'm not a native speaker, so sorry in advance for possible mistakes

My IEM trip so far: Tanchjm Hana 2021 -> 7hz Timeless -> Moondrop Variations, after owning the latter for 6 months, I also had a chance to own and listen to Moondrop Chu and Campfire Atlas(honestly, for their 900$ price tag, they don't come even close to Variations for almost x2 for the price)

From memory, when I put them in my ears and played the first songs, I was just laying down on my bed with a facial expression something like: 'yeah, that's it, that is what I was looking for in this hobby for the whole 1.5years of my journey, all my previous headphones and IEMs were failed attempts, in searching for this sound’

First, I think Variations is a bit genre-dependent, and something like metal or hard rock doesn't sound that good, but man, when I play on them 'NewJeans - Ditto' or actually any NewJeans song or any Red Velvet song or any IU song or any Billie Eilish song, everything sounds heavenly. Female vocals are just amazing, State-of-Art, they shine, they sound like angels from heaven, it's level of HD600 definitely vocal-wise, always smooth, well-extended and never harsh, shouty or sibilant, just pure euphoria, don't know what to say more.

Separation, 'soundstage', and detail retrieval, everything is here, the sound is just so clean and deep boosted sub-bass too, I just don't have complaints

Listening through Qudelix-5K + Tripowin Zonie Blue cable + AZLA SednaEarFit Crystal SS size, they do Variations justice, for me this IEM is very tip-dependent due to big nozzle. After Azla eartips, Variations with something like Moondrop Spring Tips sounded dead & unmotivated, while on AZLA ear tips natural and lively and wonderful, everything is crystal clear

Overall I can recommend to anyone whose ‘guilty pleasure' is EDM/kpop, but only with female vocals. In general all pop music, edm, rap/hip-hop sound wonderful on Variations, metal and hard rock not so much

Variations is good, very good, for the price the best for me definitely, very close to end game material for somebody with similar music preferences, I still don't have any desire to upgrade and sell them, because they are just so great, they shine, but never offense you, everything sounds smooth, energetic, engaging, beautiful, amazing, lifelike, lovely, wonderful, natural, and that's it, I'm done, hope my stream of thoughts was enjoyable to read, strongly recommend at least to try them


flyco t1_j9l1yek wrote

>First, I think Variations is a bit genre-dependent

I wholeheartedly agree.

I think the Variations gets a lot of flak (compared to other US$500 IEMs such as the SA6) because it has been wrongly hyped by some reviewers as a good "all-rounder". I believe it's definitely not.

Well, if you like it's tone or listen to a few key genres it could certainly be, but the sub-bass if definitely not for everyone.


Manny-Calavera t1_j9lr87w wrote

In your opinion, which iems would be the best all rounder? I'm asking because currently i only own the Truthear Zero and the KZ Pr1 Pro. In the future i will want to upgrade to a really good set of iems. The thing is, i listen to a little bit of everything. Today i can be on a heavy metal mood and tomorrow i want to listen to trance, and the death metal, and then classic rock. I'm all over the place. I don't know what to aim for. I would like to have a really good all rounder instead of specific iems for different types of music (unlesse that is really the way to go). Thanks in advance.


whitechapel6 t1_j9nboku wrote

I want to know too . Want to upgrade from fiio fd5 . I listen to several genres 😬


flyco t1_j9ofis7 wrote

>The thing is, i listen to a little bit of everything.

I'm exactly the same and unfortunately I'm yet to find a definitive "all-rounder" IEM.

I haven't had the chance to listen to other US$500 IEMs than the Variations, but in my research everyone always ends at the "ten US$50 IEMs are better than a single US$500 one" argument (at least in frequency response, and not in "technicalities").


Manny-Calavera t1_j9z0gbt wrote

I'm searching but i can't find a definitive answer. I don't even know if there's one. That said, and i will probably be happy with whatever i end up buying. Because to be honest, i don't think my hearing is all that great and it's not trained like a lot of people here. So for example, even if they say the Variations are not good (or ideal for metal i rock) i think i would enjoy them a lot anyway. I don't really know what to do, ahahaha.


DuckSashimi t1_j9kgbq6 wrote

I also followed a similar item journey, but I found that the Variations were the only pair in which I could really hear a difference in something. Everything just sounded better and I couldn't really describe it. Arias? Meh. Timeless? Meh. But wow the Variations packed a punch. Definitely my endgame


BigBlackCough t1_j9kayyb wrote

I've been using the Variations for 1.5 years and I gotta agree with all you've mentioned. It's just heavenly for EDM, JPop, and KPop. And yes, the boosted sub-bass, undeniably based. I also don't have any plans to upgrade because I think anything else beyond this price point is kind of a diminishing return value per dollar. But if I ever do, I'm probably gonna do Monarch MK2.

My setup: Variations + BTR5 2021. Cable is Letshuoer M3 and tips are just the plain ol' SpinFit CP155.


whitechapel6 t1_j9n8s01 wrote

I do listen kpop , pop in general, and some hiphop , but im a metalhead so guess I have to think again to buy variations 😬 . Im gonna use cp 100 .


vavent_ OP t1_j9ob43o wrote

For metal you better look at something like Dunu SA6Ultra maybe or new SA6 MKII