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csch1992 OP t1_j8g4pq8 wrote

i think every mmcx iem should work perfectly with them


Amaakaams t1_j8gadoi wrote

To second this. FIIO has 2 pin options as well for the UTWS5, so you don't always have to get MMCX IEMs (though it's recommended to get the MMCX and the MMCX to 2 pin adapter so you can still adjust the IEM angle).


csch1992 OP t1_j8gaukc wrote

I am nlt sure what you meant now. But i think the compatibily list if the utws5 is huge


Amaakaams t1_j8gbrr6 wrote

I was just saying it's not just limited to MMCX they offer .78mm 2 pin set as well for the non-MMCX IEMs.

The second part was just that most people suggest getting the MMCX anyways even if you have a 2 pin IEM, because it can still swivel with an adapter (and get a better fit) whereas a normal two pin can't always adjust well enough to fit comfortably.