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FKSSR t1_j9hzzt5 wrote

Yes. I am one of the weirdos that prefers headphones with a bright presentation. My favorite headphones are the 800s and DT1990's. I sold the 6XX's, because they were too dark for me. I prefer the 560s to the 6XX, personally. :)


NationOfSheeps t1_j9i0bx3 wrote

There are no weirdos here, just different tastes. In my case my tastes are completely opposite haha.


residentatzero t1_j9j2y4u wrote

I have the 6xx, hd599, AKG k371, akg 702, Audiotechnica mx50, etc. Dt770 is the best of the best to me. I stopped following the audiophile community and started listening to my own ears