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iReallyLoveYouAll OP t1_jegq4bh wrote

thanks man. ffs preach. i think i listened to things too loud ebcause my headphones were 113db and i always used it on 100%


ThatsABitAsinine t1_jegqzdi wrote

If you did that just once, don’t sweat it. I used to blast my ears with Apple earphones in high school all day far past 100dB. I can still hear up to 19,000 hz, but the tinnitus is slightly annoying. But it seems like my hearing ability in general hasn’t been too affected for now. I’ll see what happens in 10 years lol.


iReallyLoveYouAll OP t1_jegrxmq wrote

goddamn. how old are you? that seems like hoe for me :)


ThatsABitAsinine t1_jegydnr wrote

I’m 20. Most of my friends hearing is just as good as mine and they don’t have tinnitus. I do hate trying to go to sleep sometimes as the ringing is overpowering in a silent room.