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t1_je7697h wrote

they will lack power to drive a big headphone like those, could try to use them to drive another iem since those use less power.


OP t1_je76i3m wrote

Yeah maybe I just try to fix it by connecting it to another 2 pin cable


t1_je85cik wrote

The HD560S is 120Ω and quite high sensitivity, many people report running it off a phone fine and the AZ09 Pro has more power than most phones, even more so in high power mode (triple click on the left). I don't have the HD560s but it almost certainly would have enough power for them.


OP t1_je8lvtv wrote

That good to hear, I still wonder how convert headphone like 560s into wireless with the AZ09 Pro


t1_je8ngxl wrote

It wouldn't be trivial, you'd need to open them up and find some space for the unit inside, wiring the + and - to the driver. You'd need to mod the case to connect the charge points to something on the outside to charge them. Having these modules in there could affect the frequency response too as it's an open back.

Someone did a very involved mod with the TRN BT20S Pro and the HD660S, which involved 3D printing a load of parts and re-fitting these into them


Even in this case though it would be easier as the 660S is at least a dual sided headphone to start with, the HD560S is single sided so you have two mono adapters (for L and R) but you only have a port on one side. So you'd need to get more involved than that and I think re-wire it internally.

If you're super into modding/DIY projects. But it's not some easy thing to make this work.

Easiest way to make the HD560S work, as it's single ended, is use a single cable output stereo BT adapter and plug it into the one side, and then tie the adapter to the headband or something.


OP t1_je8xlnc wrote

Very informative. Thank you! I will see what I can do