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andysaurus_rex t1_jcpxus6 wrote

No, but they were on my short list of headphones to purchase when I wanted to upgrade. I ended up bumping my budget quite a bit for a used pair of HD8XX, but at the ~$200 mark I was planning on getting the DT900 Pro X.


RB181 t1_jcqayii wrote

Where can you get DT 900 Pro X for $200?


andysaurus_rex t1_jcqc222 wrote

200€ I would think is close


RB181 t1_jcqcuej wrote

The lowest price I can find for them is €235.25 ($253.49).


andysaurus_rex t1_jcqdhyl wrote

I'd consider that close enough to OP's price point to warrant the recommendation.