Submitted by Kryceck t3_12179w3 in headphones

I thought I'd make a post here about them since I've never seen anyone talk about it here, so I figured this would help some people who have been curious as to what they sound like with the HD800 (OG model).

To sum it up, the comfort is SUPREMELY better over the OEM pads in my opinion, like, super silky smooth and soft and tons of cushioning too. As for sound, the sound is rather very, very similar. If I had to go by what any sonic changes I heard, maybe there's an ever slight recession in the mids and maybe like a subtle roll off in the upper treble? But it's so unbelievably hard to tell without a/b testing them. Personally, the sound is very close to the stock sound if that is what anyone is actually worried about. Zach did a really great job on these and I want to thank him for making a wonderful 3rd party aftermarket pad to use for the HD800 since the Dekoni pads are very polarizing for those who have used them on their HD800s. I'd highly recommend these if you want to have the sonic characteristics stay as true to its stock tuning but want better comfort as well.



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andysaurus_rex t1_jdl1zwq wrote

I bought the lambskin ZMF pads for my HD8XX. Big improvement. They feel awesome. No changes in sound that I could pick up but I didn’t AB test them so ymmv. I was curious about the suede because they look super comfy. Might pick them up eventually but I wanted to try the lambskin first.

Only complaint is I wish they were just a little thicker for more of a smooshy feeling against my head, but it’s a nitpick because they are really very comfortable.


samaxe1000 t1_jdlf0hf wrote

I picked up the leather headband that adds more comfort on top.

DEKONIS were over 20mm thick. OEM is 13. ZMF is 17mm.


AnotherWeekendWasted t1_jdm8quj wrote

Zach's 6xx suede pads are also supremely comfortable while having nearly identical measurements to stock.

Got ZMF 8xx lambskin pads + pilot pad in the mail! Can't wait


techgraf t1_jdmukrx wrote

Hi all

sorry, where do you get these pads?



listener-reviews t1_jdn0yfh wrote

Zach himself measured the pads and showed them to have significant differences in bass, midrange, and treble. Probably best for any prospective buyers to use those measurements to guide any purchase decisions.