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wiggan1989 OP t1_jcf6420 wrote

Yes they are. A 7.5/10 in every category. Just a great all rounder, hence why I kept them. I was just curious to try a headphone over £1k and see if I'd notice an upgrade in sound... It was, but only minor not a massive leap


csch1992 t1_jcf6ecu wrote

you could always EQ your edition XS. i find my new 660s 2 the perfect allrounder for me. totaly in love with the warm sound signature. would say they are better than my sundaras.


wiggan1989 OP t1_jcf6lzg wrote

I have EQ them depending on Genre. Been listening to a lot of Hip Hop lately so added a +3 gain on the low end and they sound perfect... Do like a warm signature. When I get my finances back in order I'll have to try thosethe Hd660 s2


csch1992 t1_jcf6rk9 wrote

couldnt you try them at the store where you tried the 800s?


wiggan1989 OP t1_jcf7ij5 wrote

Oh yea, of course...the Richer sounds was a trek and I only lb went because I was already near there for a meeting.


[deleted] t1_jcf9uef wrote



csch1992 t1_jcfdhq1 wrote

the treble on mine is beyond perfect. you might have gotten a bad pair. i just couldnt stand the pearcing treble of my sundara