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Chok3U t1_jdy567s wrote

Flat head fan too. Although I believe I have only 3 at the moment.

VE Monk Plus(everybody should own a pair) Kbstellar(everybody should own a pair) Ry4s Plus(everyone should really own a pair of these)

My next pair are gonna be the snow lotus.


Solypsist_27 t1_jdze4sy wrote

Can you tell me what are the differences between those? I really like my monk plus, but going from them to my iems I just notice how much top end they're missing, I'm looking for something much brighter than them but the absence of fr graphs for earbuds makes it very hard to know what to buy and to not just waste money getting 5 pairs at once to compare lol


Chok3U t1_je1cju7 wrote

Well to my ears the main big difference is bass. However out of the 3, the kbear stellar are probably the brightest. And they're only like $3 or something.

Besides them, I've read the original Monks are bright. A pair I need to get.

Sorry I can't be of more help