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libeako t1_jeehhv9 wrote

> HE400SE sound better than HD600's with a lot of kinds of music. Honestly in some cases they sound better than Focal Bathys

Wow. That is interesting. I very much want the HD600, but too expensive for me [let alone the Focal :-)]. I have the 400SE with me now but i can not listen to it. It is too sibilant and heavy for me. I am using a 3 times cheaper Superlux 672 instead, which i love. I also had the 560S, TYGR 300, DT 880, Meze 99 - i could not accept their sound quality after getting used to my equalized, ear-pad-changed 672. This shows that one's preference can override the price comparison.


Mr_Build3R t1_jeg8opa wrote

I wouldn't say they sound better, they sound like two different headphones. The 400SE would sound a bit vivid in comparison, but the 600s feel like a jack of all trades kind of headphone for me. It might fix your sibilant issue though