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FastGecko5 t1_jdk2tvs wrote

Just wait until you get into 3d printing lol

Some of your other hobbies will get cheaper, but those savings will go into the printer...


f3llyn t1_jdk3swt wrote

I’m vaguely aware that those printers cost a lot and I’m not going to look into it any more than that.

I have poor impulse control.

(Just bought Meze 109 pros today on a whim)


FastGecko5 t1_jdk4edw wrote

Not to enable you but you can get started for less than $200 :)

(although I would spend a bit more and get something with auto-leveling, it's a godsend)


f3llyn t1_jdk4mpq wrote

I don’t have the space for it, honestly.


FastGecko5 t1_jdk55ve wrote

Fair enough. I only managed to get one because my partner wanted her desk somewhere else and it freed up space in the office.


cohrt t1_jdkqlf3 wrote

What are you using your 3d printer for? I feel like it’s something I’d use a lot for like a month then never again.


FastGecko5 t1_jdncfxj wrote

I've mainly just printed little decorations lol. I'm also building some 3d printed headphones and I'm currently printing shelf/desk hangers for my headphones

I do plan to print some stuff like screw trays and tool storage for my printer and such though. Also gonna try printing some shelf brackets.