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thatcarolguy t1_jcbno3e wrote

Based on my experience with comparing Crincacle's graphs vs others vs what I perceive in my own ear I would expect a nasty timbre killing 12k peak just like on the Salnotes Zero. My experience may not be represaentative though as many others do not complain of that.

I don't know anything about the construction of this unit but I'm guessing it has two drivers? It has the hallmarks of a dedicated driver for the bass but only one driver for everything else.


47ppos t1_jcc39mj wrote

Nah. The 5128 measurements look good. No peaks.

And yes, the Salnotes really had that peak on the 5128 measurements.


thatcarolguy t1_jcczs70 wrote

I see a peak at 14k. I know from experience comparing Crinacle's measurements to my ears that it will be at 12k and probably much higher in magnitude.

If it peaks after 15k, especially is it is sort of flat at the top instead of sharp like on the Dusk measurement then I just might be ok, and indeed the Dusk one of the only 2 IEMs I have heard that don't give me peaky upper treble.


Toronto-Will t1_jcbpf0d wrote

Is Crin using his new measurement rig in this graph? I haven’t followed it that closely, I just saw his video unboxing the new gear. May mean the baseline has changed.


EddyB299 OP t1_jcdho05 wrote

zero still sounds pretty good. I kinda feel like project red is a dusk successor