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thatcarolguy t1_itl5wis wrote

CCA CRA paid $12 on sale.

Have never had (and probably never will have) an IEM cheaper than that outside of dollar store ones or the Sony Fontopia ones I used to get from ebay for $5 each but that was so long ago I can't comment on the sound quality anymore but I liked them at the time.

But IMO the Chu reign supreme in the very low price category.


DwellerInIce OP t1_itl7mcw wrote

If only the cable was replaceable... that's my only issue with the CHU.
I've heard many good things about the CRA (and some ridiculously good), I might get a pair to see for myself.


thatcarolguy t1_itl7ztj wrote

I wouldn't say the CRA is ridiculously good. The treble timbre isn't perfect and and it has more bass/lower mids than neutral but it is fine as a beater IEM for bringing outside.


DwellerInIce OP t1_itl8y0d wrote

I should probably add a "for the price" at the end of every sentence. It's obviously not going to compete with the 50-100+ ones.


MachineTeaching t1_itlmssh wrote

I have a bunch of cheaper IEMs for when I'm out and about and the CRA are definitely quite nice for the price. V shaped but not as much as the usual KZs, good bass and overall great performers for the money.