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MrDankky t1_is4rbrw wrote

No worries mate. You know what, I’ve just dusted them off and played with the eq. They sounded fine, until I then listened to the same song on my dt 700s. I think I over reacted calling them bad, they’re just not on low end audiophile headphone levels.


ohnonotagain94 t1_is4rume wrote

Nice one, glad you tried them again, and I like your assessment of not quite audiophile quality. I want a pair of DT770 Pro, I’ll probably grab a pair soon. Have a good one mate.


MrDankky t1_is4s5nw wrote

Check out the 700s if you have the budget, I never had the 770s but I did have 990s and upgraded to 900s and they are a step up, so much so I bought the closed backs and they’re very impressive too. Especially if you like a bit of thump in the bass


ohnonotagain94 t1_is4t6tc wrote

I’m going to check and research those right now, thanks!


Jadejr14 t1_is4xy7c wrote

If you got the budget just get the 1770s 🤣 I love em.