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jvo203 t1_iu22dqb wrote

Are they comfortable, with no clamping around the ears, absolutely no pressure on top of the head? If not then what are the lightest and most comfortable headphones that money can buy?


Abraxo_Grammaticus OP t1_iu3anx3 wrote

There's a bit of clamping around the ears, but I'd call them very comfortable. I honestly haven't tried many headphones, so I'm a bit new to describing them.


jvo203 t1_iu3felu wrote

Thanks, I have HIFIMAN Deva Pro and whilst the ears are OK without much clamping, overall the headphones feel somewhat heavy on top of the head... I have also tried AirPods Max in an Apple shop but they were way too heavy, despite all the engineering efforts by Apple. It is so difficult to find ideal headphones...