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TheOnlyQueso t1_ir7915x wrote

Not at all how headphones work. Drivers and the housings that hold them are developed in conjunction. Taking a driver out of one headphone and putting it in another housing will completely and utterly change the tuning, particularly if going from closed backs to open backs or vice versa.

Apple's drivers are nothing special. It's the combination of the drivers, housing, and more than likely DSP that makes them moderately good headphones. But totally uncompetitive with other $500 wired headphones.


GreenNerve OP t1_ir7a2v5 wrote

Thank you, you spend lots of words saying nothing


The_scobberlotcher t1_ir8plkx wrote

Bro, the dude's comment is correct. I'm not sure what you your aim is with your reply but it's kinda fucked up.