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kazuviking t1_ixr6r2n wrote

Witch schiit gear manufactured before 2022 its possible.


c0ng0pr0 t1_ixrjz2h wrote

If you get stuff wet with salty liquid


QuatreMyr t1_ixs6r8s wrote

Electrocuted? I'd be willing to say it's close enough to a 0% chance to just call it 0%.

Shocked? Absolutely, has happened to me a couple times.

Electrocution means you die from it, shocks are anything else.


crispyfriedwater t1_ixrallo wrote

I'm curious about why you're asking.


icedomin8r t1_ixtublv wrote

He dresses up as Ben Franklin on Thursdays and Saturdays.


Tubie34 t1_ixrueie wrote

IDK about electrocuted, but one time I had my Sennheisers connected to the tv on the 10 foot cable for whatever reason, and the cord was brushing the carpet. When I went to stand up, it sent a huge static shockwave through my earcups and right on my ears, and it hurt like hell. No damage to the headphones luckily.


Site-Staff t1_ixsr4v3 wrote

I had some bowers IEMs that zapped the hell out of me frequently.


everlastingcoffee t1_ixr6qv2 wrote

Chances are probably slim to none even with electrostatics, and almost nonexistent for planars and dynamic drivers. If it has Bluetooth/ internal battery, maybe if you have damaged connections. I’m not an expert but I’m sure you’ll be fine, just don’t spill water or anything around High voltage / current equipment but that seems like common sense
