
icedomin8r t1_j6bv2ob wrote

"I prefer more forward vocals and a wide soundstage."?

To my ears and most other peoples reviews, the XS have quite a large soundstage.

As far as driving it, my Asgard 3 on low gain with the knob at 9 o'clock is more then enough, depending on the recording.


icedomin8r t1_j0h77sr wrote

My original Vali is now around 5 years old, never an issue and still running strong.

My Asgard 3 is turning 3 years old this month, gets used almost daily and has never set a foot wrong.

I'm sure there is validity to the problems people have reported. But as with anything, people are going to be more vocal about issues rather than praise something that works without a problem.


icedomin8r t1_iuqeotv wrote


I guess we are happy that you enjoy living in a walled garden. I'm not partial to being told what to do, how to do it and when I'm allowed to do it with hardware I have paid money for.

To address your points.

  1. I'm not in high school anymore, when I was I hated trendy shit and that continues to this day. Sure apple designs some cool looking stuff, and? You get to pay a hefty premium for that look, want more RAM in your MacBook? Bend over, here it comes again. I want my tech to fit the needs I have and be the solution to my use case, aesthetics be damned. If want prestige I'll wear a Rolex or Omega watch, drive a GTR or a Porsche, not to impress others, but because they make me happy. The second I care what I look like on the squat rack is the day I shit a chicken.
  2. Your phone "knows" what to do because you have stayed in their garden, and taken a sandpaper dildo dry in your wallet for the privilege. Good luck using their products outside of their garden, they cripple it so much its a joke.
  3. Of course they don't support the same tech in other headphones, they haven't had time to copy it yet. Give em a few years and they will have all the 2022 tech in their 2025 lineup.
  4. Utility? For the same $400 I personally would rather have bought a pair of DT770's for music and some QC45's for ANC, If I needed ANC. If I didn't need ANC, Sundara at $299, you could drop $50 over the Max for the HiFiMan HE6se V2 or bump up $100 more to get the Edition XS and tear the ever loving ass out of apples "great sounding sound". If I want consumable sound, I'll buy some pixel buds pro or galaxy buds, at half the price of the Max.

PS, apple sucks. I'm in IT and I actually had another grown ass man, who was an IT professional, tell me that apples just work because of "magic".