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AlternativeClothes43 t1_ix4esvx wrote

where did you order from?


blorg t1_ix4fq9b wrote

KZ's own site, with the discount code (I already had bought the OG PR1).

They are same price, even slightly cheaper with $40 off coupon from "KZ Franchised Store" on AliExpress for that matter.

[AliExpress] /item/1005004966718640.html - add coupon for $40 off once in your cart, I get price of $40.17 with coins.


TheJohnny346 t1_ix6pk46 wrote

Where do you find the coupon for $40 off? It’s in my cart but I can’t seem to find it. Do I have to have already bought the OG Pr1 on either site as I never have.


blorg t1_ix6u9fa wrote

I just checked again myself, coupon is gone now, it was there yesterday.