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kazuviking t1_ixs3a3y wrote

From ASR

>I think resolution is easy to address: person focuses on the music and hears more individual notes and says that is higher resolution. In reality this is one's perception changing because they were comparing things and so started to focus on small details. A blind test make them appear in both pieces of gear but audiophiles don't go there.


TheFrator t1_ixs6znw wrote

I’d be interested in a blind test for sure of different headphones but it’d kind of tough amongst headphone users because of the pad feeling i.e. you can tell a more expensive headphone by a pad like if it has leather on it. So it’d have to be a true true blind test amongst inexperienced headphone users.

But there’s a difference in the resolution between my 660s, DT1990s, and LCD-5. And I hope you get to experience it one day. I’ve heard a lot of speaker systems too and there’s only been one that had better acoustical resolution than the 5. And that system was in a perfectly treated room with near optimal dimensions.


kazuviking t1_ixsabli wrote

My endgame hp would be the DT1990(expensive af here) with elite velour pads and the passive filter from diyaudio.
I created some cardboard speakers for the tv and damn they sounded good. It was just a simple dual 2 way(bass+lower mids/upper mids+treble) built from cheap local parts.


TheFrator t1_ixshjvb wrote

Nice- I have the 1990s with velour pads and they were my daily driver for a longtime. I still use them for video games most of the time. They’re also the most comfortable headphone I own (but this might not be the case with you). I’ll look into the passive filters!

Building a speaker is next on my to-do list! Glad to hear you got some great results. What did you use for the crossover? There’s a place here in the US called PartsExpress that has most of the DIY audio equipment for sale.


kazuviking t1_ixsl1pz wrote

It was the cheapest crossover made here(no longer being made) with meh build quality but did its job. I sadly no longer have my creation since my cats took a liking to playing with the drivers.


TheFrator t1_ixsutbb wrote

I love the idea of cats but now that I have speakers they’re a no-go haha. F to your speakers