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kazuviking t1_iv4wzo1 wrote

The mids are cut with treble spikes increase the perceived soundstage and the extreme ringing in hifiman stuff is just icing on the cake.


Joulle t1_iv4zj2v wrote

Extreme ringing? What you mean?


Rogue-Architect t1_iv6gslp wrote

Can you spot the persona that’s never heard Hifiman headphones?


Joulle t1_iv6ns12 wrote

I guess so... I always hear people talk about sennheiser's HD600 series and I wish I had a pair just so I could relate and understand the fuzz. I have tested the HD660S briefly at a store and I think they certainly have that Sennheiser veil of which I'm not a fan of. Owning a pair and getting to know and used to them is another thing though. Still, I don't go around talking shit about the HD600 series like that. Need to be constructive and fair.

He's entitled to his opinion and there's the possibility that he has heard some kind of ringing with a pair of hifimans of course. So here's me hoping for a reply about the ringing.


Rogue-Architect t1_iv6w6ox wrote

Exactly my point. My bet is they read a Reddit post about it and now spout it as some fact. Even if they had heard one headphone that had that characteristic it would be odd to label all Hifimans based on one experience where something is clearly wrong. My point is this person is what we don’t need making comments because it could confuse the OP.


Joulle t1_iv779nx wrote

Yeah. Even if he's heard the ringing his message nothing substantial in his message. No one's heard of this phenomena and hifimans in general are regarded as having good sound.

Explain it to us. It's an angry troll post