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DepressMyCNS t1_iya6qxi wrote

You get me man. I did the tests myself because I wanted to see where I should spend my money, the answer was very clear.


WhiskeyGnomes t1_iya7duk wrote

I mean don't get me wrong Opus is great, but I am not converting my entire collection to Opus. I just don't even fucking care. Who needs that space? Why? Any phone with 128GB of storage and that is literally all I need for work and way more. Hell, I am getting by with 70GB of music in FLAC on my phone. I rarely have too many issues with albums. I could save some space going Opus, but I really just don't care.

The whole debate is pointless right now. I don't even understand the obsession with lossy at this point in time. I guess if you are dirt poor with only 2GB of space on your phone it could help.