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KeinLebenKonig t1_iy63trq wrote

Yeah I realized, I guess I went on a tangent there. The he6 I couldn't take even to half way through the volume pot and I was like "huh. Guess they aren't that power hungry after all" I was pretty underwhelmed by the legendary power draw.... Right up until I plugged my trusty 400i into it without adjusting the volume down. Nearly blew my ears out. It'd been a while since I'd used headphones so I forgot just how little room on the volume pot the 400i had on high gain.

Either way, I did like them, just not enough to keep them through cost and comfort.


LTHardcase t1_iy6ak9k wrote

I blew out two different IEMs at two different periods of time on my Jotunheim, forgetting I had one plugged in and hanging to the floor when I plugged a planar into the balanced out and turned up the dial.

I just stopped using IEMs on it lmao, I'm too irresponsible.