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AnOldMoth t1_j2aqbda wrote

Reply to comment by KendoClub in Basic bitches unite! by Warlord_Wiggles

EQ helps with the treble issues, but everything else I agree. It's has too many issues.

I bought a pair of KSC75 on a whim since they were on sale, and started to laugh when I realized that they sounded better, haha. No bass is really the only downside to their sound, but everything else is good.

Honestly, if you're going to get Sennies, just get HD600 Marble. Actually good headphone, though overpriced.


Muggaraffin t1_j2b4msl wrote

I’ve been on a Koss binge since august (you could say I’ve been aKossted) and I’ve settled on KPH40 drivers on my 75’s clips. Incredible sound