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dimesian t1_j266y17 wrote

I've been using the Spiral Dots for a while with various IEMs and really like them, I usually avoid wider bore tips as they can reduce bass and sound a little bright, they don't have that effect in my ears.


super_smoothie OP t1_j26l2s0 wrote

For me, they have the slightest amount of bass reduction and a small attenuation of the treble compared to the u12t stock tips. That's a sonic improvement to my ears though, coming from the Hifi arya's spacious sound.


blorg t1_j294yjr wrote

Other tips worth trying, particularly if you have issues with retention, are Azla Xelastec, Azla Crystal and Moondrop Spring Tips.

These are all wide bore tips like Spiral Dots but at least for me, all have substantially better retention. Spring Tips are my overall favorite, and they are also much cheaper than Spiral Dots ($6 here for 3 pairs, $12 for international). They are all somewhat "tacky" in terms of the material and this helps keep it in, if I pull them out they resist a bit while Spiral Dots are quite slippery for me.

Xelastec actually change shape with body temperature and mold to your specific ear shape.

With any of these, getting the right size and something that fits well with the specific IEM (and this varies by IEM) is essential.


super_smoothie OP t1_j29ni4v wrote

Thanks for the advice. Definitely going to give the xelastics a try