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t1_j0axcsb wrote

I don't have these type of problems with Sennheiser.


t1_j0c5345 wrote

Which sennheiser sounds like HE-1000Se? I like Hifiman, but all the QC issues worry me.


t1_j0dei4n wrote

I sold the HE-1000V2s because I found the HD800SDR to sound better.


t1_j0fs3x7 wrote

It's probably all very subjective then. Saw people preferring the 1000Se over 800s on some forums, but I should hope so, the price difference is massive. I only have the Edition XS, but I really like them.


t1_j0hd9dw wrote

The 800 line would be the closest to a planar imo. It's up to you what you want though, more accurate sound (1000se) vs better overall package (parts, support, waranty, mod-ability, quality that lasts decades)


t1_j0ct8ej wrote

Have any recommendations? Looking at my options on replacements for the sundaras.


t1_j0hcvhy wrote

I myself only tried HD-600,HD-58X, HD-800S and HD-8XX.

I feel like HD 6 series is totally different than what a Sundara would present. But HD 8 Series is more "Planar-Like". You might like the 700 or 800 series (pricing aside) if you are after fast and accurate presentation.


t1_j0b4zc7 wrote

I think HiFiMan products are pretty interesting. Crazy price points for performance. Having trialed a lot of their products, I woudn't mind owning one, but they have got to get their QC under control.

Moondrop and HiFiMan smh.

I'd far rather save my money and get a more reliable product.


t1_j0asz1o wrote

Is it the cable or the connector bit on the headphone that's the issue? You can try diagnosing by swapping the left and right channel ends of the cable and see if that fixes the problem on the right side. If it is the cable then getting a replacement aftermarket cable for cheap shouldn't be hard depending on where you live.


t1_j0at76f wrote

Sorry I guess I should have added this in the post, it is strictly the right side of the headphones themselves, even swapping L/R doesn't fix the issue. Also wanted to note that I'm not using the stock cables.


t1_j0axax6 wrote

Guess the easy fix is out the window then. Reading about all these hifiman issues have kept me from buying even the 400se(which is constantly on sale for pretty cheap in my country).


t1_j0ay80u wrote

Yeah its unfortunate because they sound really nice, but after I refund them I don't see myself ever buying from the company again.


t1_j0esiiw wrote

Hifiman just love making amazing sounding headphones, but making it impossible to use because of how shitty their QC and overall build quality is. I returned my Sundaras some time ago because within 2 weeks of use, the right side completely stopped working. I'm mostly sure it was because of the trash cable, but Hifiman can go fuck themselves if they think I'm gonna pay over $300 for headphones and still have to buy a separate cable. Been using my HD 6XXs over 8 hours a day for over a year, never had any issues.


t1_j0f0lgq wrote

Yeah I had an aftermarket cable but the build quality of the headphones themselves are not great. How do you like the HD 6XX's?


t1_j0f43ok wrote

They're my favorite audio thing ever. The best mids and vocals you'll find, along with enjoyable bass and mid bass for an open back. Treble is there but smooth, making them very easy and relaxing to listen to. They have an intimate sound stage, but I prefer that. They play just about everything well. I mostly listen to Heavy Metal, and the 6XXs are really fun to listen to it with. They can be used to chill with, and head bang to energetic music.

Comfort is another level. At first I hated the HD 6XXs, cause they had a head crushing clamp. Once I carefully bent the metal part of the headband, they perfectly sit on my head. I can wear them for 8 hours without any fatigue. Helps that they are very lightweight too.

They aren't built with premium feeling materials, and don't have the looks of Meze products, but they're still built to last.


OP t1_j0owkc9 wrote

Why are people still buying these headphones?


t1_j0pt4fr wrote

Because they sound amazing at a good price. I’ve owned my sundaras since march and haven’t had any issues.


t1_j0fhxsm wrote

Hifiman does have some issues, but tens of thousands have used their stuff for years without any issue as well. I have 5 Hifimans now snd had two more before and no problems whatsoever.