Submitted by None098 t3_zxt5bg in headphones

Not an audiophile of any kind but this is my first complete setup! I’ve had gamer headsets before and a pair of 598SRs but I’ve left those behind for this! I can say I’m really pleased with this combo and I think they fit perfectly!

I’ve changed out the pads on the HD8XXs and they now have the Dekoni premium hybrid pads. They add a lot to the sound and I’ve also messed around a little bit with a EQ and have tried different layouts since I heard that the EQ on these don’t really shine.



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Shoezqt t1_j24cwmu wrote

Is rme hard to set up? This is dac amp? Just looking for some long term option


None098 OP t1_j24ejpc wrote

In terms of long term I would definitely recommend this! I’ve had this set up for about 4 months now and it’s amazing. Not hard to set up either since it’s all really basic stuff. I do recommend reading the manual and looking through it as there’s some really interesting and cool things in there tho! Not sure how to describe it, but the way it’s written is really cool I guess?? I’m not sure how else to describe it. It also comes with a cool little remote.


Shoezqt t1_j25rcc7 wrote

Thanks mate! Glad you enjoy it 🙂 also I like it visually with all these lights 😅


Exact3 t1_j251gfa wrote

If you're a measurement-freak, I suggest turning on auto ref level to maximize SNR.


InFortunaWeLust t1_j251kvq wrote

What do you mean by "I heard that the EQ on these don't really shine."?

For me EQ is a must with these, I myself am using 'IEF neutral over-ear with bass' profile i found and it really fixes the sound for me. The mids were recessed but I changed to ZMF lambskin pads and while they are still not forward, there is now more impact to the sound making them push through when needed.


None098 OP t1_j253ied wrote

I saw a couple reviewers state how the EQ on these is worse than the normal 800S, but I agree with you on the point that changing the pads on these helped tremendously! I changed the EQ to resemble the normal 800S but with more emphasis on the lows. I like bass and I listen to a lot of hip hop! ( I’m better off getting some closed back headphones I know) BUT I love the sound stage on these and it makes listening to music a BLAST!!


InFortunaWeLust t1_j254s9f wrote

EQ works good on these. I listen to Hip Hop aswell, although I sometimes prefer the HD-58X for hiphop cause it doesnt separate all the sounds in the mix + puts the rapper's voice more forward in the presentation. So you hear the music all blended together and behind the rapper so to say. But the HD-8XX sound amazing with well mastered music of anykind, you got an amazing setup there!

I got my 8XX with zeo's code for 700bucks and some change and for this price its one of the deals of the century imo. enjoy


None098 OP t1_j2588u6 wrote

Right now I’m pleased with my set up, but I would love to get more pairs of headphones over the next couple of years!

That’s awesome! I got my HD8XXs for 900, but I actually got my ADI-2 for 900 and some change! Huge deal that I got from Sweetwater and it was brand new :)