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OP t1_j1z0yg2 wrote

After last year's regret Ier-m9 purchase instead of a 2nd hand deal U6T, and this year my worst decision is buying Dunu sa4, looking around 1k this year i don't feel as excited or attracted as when Variations release maybe the only one i wanted to try is ie600 but yeah nope, still rocking my Variations and bought several mid-fi's and sold them soon after.

Personally my most notable iem that i have tried and stick is Hexa and S12 pro, can't say enough how good both of them, and different enough to justify owning both of them.

This year, Moondrop's kind of disappointing, none of their release stick. So.. still love my Sundara and Variations.


t1_j1zftt7 wrote

Nice collection, fellow Moondrop enjoyer. I agree that this year's releases have been lukewarm at best. Besides the Chu the line-up was middling.

Are those the Dunu Kima's near the back? Was curious about them but and how they compare to the Hexa's. Yhe latter seems like a new champ in the sub-$100 range from what I read.

BTW I also like your Yoshino figure!


OP t1_j1zgnu0 wrote

Nope its Kato Matte, Hexa is not perfect but personally i think its really really GOOD value vs performance, along side s12 pro Kato hardly worth the price anymore but still has its place for some people.


OP t1_j20k97w wrote

Not worth the price, i might sell it soon, the sound is okay but the headband and earpads not that good, i have to spend sometimes to adjust everytime i put it on while on sundara pretty much clicked with a bit of wiggle. Sundara still sound lot better, with a bit of bass boost.


OP t1_j20km3g wrote

Almost gave up and sold it, but with raptgo hook silicone eartips its bearable, can’t use any other eartips. I tried like 20+ pairs of different eartips all of them have their own problems. Yeah the fit sucks


t1_j20uafm wrote

You may look at the oriolus szalayi it’s on sale now for 750 on musictek ( don’t know how long ) and is a good tribrid set has a headfi thread too


OP t1_j21lfwk wrote

Looks big, if you haven’t seen my other comment actually i’m struggling with fitting on my Variations, and if you don’t notice it my other iems and the one i wanted to try all of them smaller than Variations soo… thanks for your info.


t1_j236cto wrote

S12 are one of my daily drivers. I've just seen a review on the Hexa from Resolve and I'm intrigued.There is quite a buzz around them. How does it compare? I've been thinking my next iem purchase will be the dunu Sa6 as a step up from my Er4xr (which are currentlyy favourite set). Would I find much use with the Hexa?


t1_j23hpzu wrote

How are the s12 pro? I have been thinking about buying them but also considering the aful performer 5.


OP t1_j23melh wrote

Thats really depends on yourself really, i haven't look into performer yet so i can't say things about it, but S12 pro is a really good iems although it is V-shaped but the midrange is not THAT bad... but still kind of subdued in some way which why i still like Hexa and holding the Kato even s12 outperform them in techincality.