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MashMayoru OP t1_j1ywtdl wrote

Having owned a fairly extensive list of many very end-game worthy headphones, LCD5, SR1A, Diana TC, 1266TC, susvara, sr009s and bravura, I didn't think there's anything that can be a "end-all" headphone that so much better than my previous 009s - 1266TC swap set-up, but the x9000 did it.

It's been quite a few days since I received the x9000, and it was not immediately obvious what the strengths of it were, but nonetheless it was a very spectacular performer without comparison, but after some time with it, it's clear that the sense of naturalness is superior than everything I've owned previously, with no compromise in detail and speed whatsoever.

While the 1266 being the only one that to me still holds some ground against x9000, the immense unnaturalness becomes very apparent when I compare them, where my Diana TC and 009s merely sounds flawed compared to either.

In the case of x9000 vs 009s, like many others have pointed out the x9000 does have a rather more laid back sound to it compared to the 009s, and things sound further away, yet with such width and separation it doesn't detour the center image of say like a vocalist, and doesn't leave me wanting more intimacy from it often.

Compared to 009s, which I considered to be very natural sounding to begin with, the vocal naturalness and imaging/stage sounds much more correct and well placed to me on the x9000, and it's also slightly more resolving sounding but unclear whether there are more details from x9000.

Diana TC vs x9000 is pretty disappointing on the TC side, imo a tamed version of 1266, better for lower quality recordings, but other than that not particularly notable.

Ab1266 vs x9000 is rather interesting, after being used to the bass quantity on the x9000, the 1266 does sound a little boomy in comparison, but because the tuning for mids and highs are pretty agressive it helps them to not be drowned by the bass. That was never my experience the 1266 until having being used to the x9000, but compared to the very very smooth sounding bass mid and highs on the x9000 the peaks and tuning signature of 1266 sounds much more prominent in comparison. However while the tuning is unnatural on the 1266, for the genres I listen to it is still very good at making things sound good, still very enjoyable. X9000 sounds extremely soft and smooth compared to the 1266 that sounds hyper dynamic, punchy, and uneven, and it's clear which one is much more fun sounding.

Generally speaking x9000 once getting used to is very close to the all in 1 solution for all genres that I thought couldn't exist, for now the 1266 still has its place, but the 009s is beaten by the x9000 in like almost every regard, and simply sounds some what out of tune compared to x9000.

Chain for x9k/009s: XIAUDIO sagra dac -> KGST Chain for DianaTC/1266TC: sagra dac -> formulaS

1266TC EQed -7db at 12800khz.

Few final words on fit and finish, better than 009s, bigger cups, very comfortable for up to around 6-8 hours then the clamp gets to me a little bit, but unit seems extremely new so probably comfort will improve as I wear them more. I also do prefer the looks of them by far over the 009s, the machining and chassis is very stunning to me. Flawless, luxurious look and feel, cable still bulky like every other stax but at least it's removable...


ennuiro t1_j1z1m6z wrote

the improvement in headband build is quite welcome


jamesonm1 t1_j1zky1v wrote

SR-X9000 is the first headphone I’ve really liked more than my 1266TCs in enough areas to make me want to switch. The staging is just so natural! I’ll probably just get the 9k and use both, but this hobby is getting expensive. TCs are still the most visceral experience in headphones and have their place like you said.

You need to hear the 9k on Headamp’s new Grand Cayman or the Kerry T2 if you haven’t. T2 makes it more tactile and slammy, less soft but still very natural. Grand Cayman makes the staging even more natural and speaker like! They’re both unbelievable pairings natural (these comparisons are vs BHSE). I haven’t had the chance to A/B the T2 and Grand Cayman directly like I have for each vs BHSE, but that’s the next step along with hearing the MSB Select and Viva Egoista STX.

The Shangri-La (Sr) is worth hearing on the T2 as well. Much better than the HFM amp. But I’d have trouble justifying that sort of spending on anything from HFM.

The new Yamaha headphone also looks interesting.


MashMayoru OP t1_j214msq wrote

Yeah man, I'm generally curious about BHSE or T2 and SRL as well, but honestly don't have any plans to get them anytime soon from budget restraints lol, KGST so far has been quite good and maybe I'll look into trying out T2 when I sell some of my other headphones.

Also yeah I didn't think 1266 can be beaten really, and even now if I get used to 1266 and switch back to x9k, x9k end up sounding very very "flat and boring" until I get adjusted to the soft sound. But once I do, and switching to the 1266 sounds way too boomy.


jamesonm1 t1_j215nx5 wrote

The BHSE has been surpassed IMO. Try the Grand Cayman if you get the chance. I think it’ll end up priced right around the Kerry T2.

If someone could make a headphone that sounds as natural as the 9k and stages as naturally as the 9k but with the visceral physicality of the 1266, that’d cover the bases for me. With the T2 the 9k gets a taste of that, so that could really be endgame, but it isn’t the same as the 1266 of course. I have the same experience switching between the two. 1266 sounds unnatural, recessed in the mids, and boomy when going from 9k to 1266, and the 9k sounds totally flat and boring going the other direction, but it doesn’t take long for me to adjust, and the 9k’s natural staging is starting to win me over. Both headphones are absolutely the top tier performance you can get from a head-fi system, so I hope my comments aren’t taken as otherwise.

And if you go down the speaker rabbit hole, if you haven’t already, check out Kharma speakers. It’s the first experience I’ve had that I felt surpassed Magico M Series and Rockport Lyra. I’d have to do some A/Bing to confirm, but my most recent experience with Kharma was one of the best experiences I’ve had in audio.


MashMayoru OP t1_j2160l8 wrote

Also heard very good things about z10e, not sure how that compared to the cayman and t2.

Also yeah funny we have the same experience switching between the two, but I can see me enjoying both still, 1266 is just a fun boom cannon, and going back to x9k after adjusting it sounds the most correct to me.


jamesonm1 t1_j2171fo wrote

I’m not a huge fan of the z10e personally, especially with the 9k, but plenty of people disagree with me there.

And totally. They’re perfect as complementary headphones.


Ok-Psychology-1420 t1_j21sdoq wrote

>from budget restraints lol

Wait, you have budget restraints?

jk, I'm super happy for you. Enjoy your 9k's and happy new year!


MashMayoru OP t1_j21st9a wrote

Lmao yeah surprising I know, I'm still waiting for quite a few of my cans to sell, and probably will look to selling my 009s as well. X9000 I only got because there was a good deal for it and I simply couldn't watch it slip :p

But happy new year to you as well


Ok-Psychology-1420 t1_j22bt78 wrote

Oh I hear ya. I’m in pretty deep myself. Not quite as deep as you, but most of my friends think I’m out of my fucking mind


MashMayoru OP t1_j22cwt7 wrote

Yeah it be like that, at least I have a few friends that's in the same boat as me :)


klowny t1_j20po52 wrote

> In the case of x9000 vs 009s, like many others have pointed out the x9000 does have a rather more laid back sound to it compared to the 009s, and things sound further away, yet with such width and separation it doesn't detour the center image of say like a vocalist, and doesn't leave me wanting more intimacy from it often.

> Compared to 009s, which I considered to be very natural sounding to begin with, the vocal naturalness and imaging/stage sounds much more correct and well placed to me on the x9000, and it's also slightly more resolving sounding but unclear whether there are more details from x9000.

Geez. I already thought the 009 sounded like every instrument was COVID social distance apart and I was standing at the other side of an arena listening in. I wished it had more intimacy, maybe like halfway to the LCDs which sound like everyone's playing an instrument while they hug you.


jamesonm1 t1_j213tye wrote

I think you’ll enjoy the 9k. Staging isn’t more intimate or closer on the 9k (actually a bit further) vs the 009, but it’s much more natural and coherent. Not as artificially airy between instruments. HE-1 takes the crown for me for a more intimately staged experience, but for that money I’d rather build systems around other headphones.


MashMayoru OP t1_j216fhr wrote

009s is fairly intimate to me, like it's less than say LCD 5 but with sufficient volume it's very close and center imaged, and it has some peaks, compared to the x9000, so comparatively it sounds like there's a lot of artificial forwardness in the 009s.

When I got the 009s to begin with I was hoping for a relaxed sound to compliment 1266 but it wasn't at all.


JustAu69 t1_j22wmcw wrote

I think the 1266 TC isn't suited for EQ due to the high distortion