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hextanerf t1_j4ms827 wrote

Eh. I just want to try planar. Is it worth it for me to drop money on a mid-range hifiman? Or would an entry level one work? Or maybe secondhand LCD-2c?


Karoleq00 t1_j4msw1o wrote

Don't get any planars if you don't have a sufficiently powerful amp/dac+amp combo, i tried and failed using qudelix 5k with hifiman 400i or whatever the heck they are called. I just got an fiio k7 so that unlocked some possibilities, however I'm in the same boat as you, I really want to get planars but i can't trust hifiman at this point and i don't know what to get other than Monoprice 1060...


nhuynh50 t1_j550e6a wrote

Had a pair of LCD-2C before upgrading to the LCD-X. Both are exceptionally easy to drive. You don't need a fancy amp or dac to get them to comfortable listening and ear drum damaging levels, on a phone. If all you can afford is a dongle dac and adapter then you're good to go. Anyone that tells you otherwise either has damaged ears themselves or don't own a pair.