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SupOrSalad t1_j5ru9bq wrote

Waterfall plots are misleading when it comes to headphones, since headphones are mostly minimum phase, the "decay" from a Waterfall plot is directly linked to the FR. You can see this if you EQ the headphone or just shift the headphone on the measurment rig so the FR slightly changes, the "decay" will also change equally with the FR change.

Waterfall plots are designed for speakers and room treatment, and they work for that since it's measuring in different conditions, but for use in headphone measurements they can be more misleading rather than helpful if viewed the same way as waterfall plots for loudspeakers


MDZPNMD t1_j5vqy4o wrote

Waterfall plots are nice because you find out that the noise of your fan is ruining your measurements.


The_D0lph1n t1_j5zdrq9 wrote

Is the decay linked to the absolute SPL at a frequency, or to the relative SPL of that frequency relative to the rest? If you EQ down a 6K peak by 3 dB to get rid of that decay trail, but then raise the entire signal level by 3 dB so that 6K is back at the original SPL, does the trail return? Does the rest of the signal now exhibit the same trail?