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badg2209 t1_j604dug wrote

Thanks to this forum I've recently bought some Hifiman Ananda which I'm loving, and now I've been considering some IEMs around this kind of price.

Which i plan on using when not at home, but I'm completely lost what to buy as there's so many options. These two are on my list so I've got a couple queries:

Which of these would you consider has better sound isolation as I would plan on using them commuting?

Are they easy to drive or would they need a reasonable DAC/ AMP? If so any portable recommendations?



Spyronight t1_j60onmu wrote

neither of these need an amp, the dusk sounds better, isolation wise I dont remember since I had the shure 535 with them that blew these 2 out of the water in that department, but the Dusk I kept has decent isolation. I remember the 7hz sounding musical with good details but had worse soundstage and detail retrieval than my AKg N5005 which I kept. The Dusk that replaced the AKG did almost everything right and is great with all genres (Still smaller soundstage than the N5005). Just my thoughts.


herzonia t1_j611a4j wrote

Another vote for the Dusk. Best all rounder ever, there isn't a genre that doesn't sound awesome on it.


Paullebricoleur_ t1_j60dfva wrote

I can only speak for the Timeless AEs but they sound great out of my phone's headphone jack !


soboi12345 t1_j632am1 wrote

I can speak on timeless ae too! And I use a budget phone as a dap, and they sound good straight out of the jack! Obviously I have to pump the volume up.

I personally use a fiio btr5 balanced! The sonic ability of the iem does increase and it sounds more richer in every way. So there is that too! I use my btr5 as a dongle DAC and as a BT DAC

And do use the included straight white tips inside the box. The regular dome tips does give too much bass and the soundstage suffers too IMO.


badg2209 t1_j67s66b wrote

Cheers, I'm swaying towards the Timeless as people said they can sleep with them in. The BT DAC sounds like a decent idea, although I know BT isn't the best for sound quality but a nice to have convenient option.


soboi12345 t1_j67trll wrote

I have the timeless ae to not the regular timeless to be clear, both are different.

And yes BT dac is really convenient.