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roguetrick t1_j77wqhi wrote

Sounds like he disrupted a gang of british army crooks, but those crooks were the only people with guns. Bad move.


culingerai t1_j78av6u wrote

Yeah he basically tried to take down corruption and greedy business intetests but copped a shelacking for it. To this day we are still fighting it.


MyNameIsIgglePiggle t1_j78iahj wrote

You are right, but I think what's in your head is way more formal than what went down.

According to Rum: a distilled history of colonial Australia

It sounds like it was a pretty rag-tag group of "soliders" that were so drunk they had trouble stumbling up the hill to arrest him

It was definitely organised by a cartel though who had strong financial motivation to keep rum flowing in the colony