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ennuiandarson t1_j7qs1bh wrote

Hello! First time poster — I’m looking for resources about Hungarian and Romanian relations and politics between the 1960s and 2000. A LOT happened — Nicolas Ceausescu, the fall of the iron curtain, the rise of capitalism, massive inflation, to even begin the list —that we don’t learn a lot about in America, and the search is daunting.

I’m making a podcast, and I’m trying to get the lay of the land. Also, if anyone here is a scholar or researcher that would like to be interviewed for the podcast at some point, please let me know.


elmonoenano t1_j7rdyl2 wrote

I wonder if you could get Andre Codrescu to talk about it. He's a writer and does some experimental and surrealist writing, but he used to be a contributor on NPR and has written a lot about Ceausecu.

It wouldn't be exactly historically pertinent, but he could tell you about opposition and arts there. He had a podcast called Walls and Curtains that was kind of on that topic.