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encisera t1_j7uxzyc wrote

How do you get syphilis if you’re walled into a cell to live a life of prayer and contemplation?


rbk12spb t1_j7uz96k wrote

Probably contracted it before, or was abused by someone with it before she became a nun. Lots of women that were victims of abuse were shuttered away in convents to hide what was done, or were sent there for their own protection. Not a good time to be a woman


Accujack t1_j7vkeb4 wrote

History shows us it's rarely a good time to be a woman.


Benaferd t1_j7z1u4e wrote

History being, I cannot think of a time ever when it was really that great for a woman. Like how did humans even keep existing? We suck


SpacecaseCat t1_j80mm5i wrote

We don't even have to go back in time far to explain that. In 1969 a nun at a Catholic all girl's high school in Baltimore was murdered for helping the victims of sexual abuse at her school. Turns out multiple priests were sexually abusing the underage students and prostituting them out to others, and the nun was the only one who listened and wanted to help. No one was ever charged with a crime.

Now imagine it's medieval Europe, there's nowhere to run, and Monsieur Pedo has the power to imprison you and have you tortured.


love_cici t1_j8e7w3o wrote

Is this the story that they made the Netflix show "The Keepers" about?